停车政策 & 程序

停车和移动服务部(停车服务)为正规赌博十大平台排行提供学生停车服务, 教师, 工作人员和访客到校园. 该部门向负责设施管理和规划的副校长汇报, under the Vice Chancellor for Business 和 Financial Affairs. 停车 和 移动服务 strives to provide equitable, quality service to the University community by providing timely, efficient 和 fair customer service. 实现这一目标的方法是:

  • Courteous, fair 和 timely customer service
  • Proactive planning for campus parking needs
  • Maintaining safe 和 clean parking facilities
  • Enforcing University parking policies
  • Managing the permitting process in an efficient 和 service-oriented manner
  • 管理特别活动停车场
  • Promoting 和 providing access to mobility alternatives including bicycles, 自行车共享, 校园里穿梭, 汽车共享资源

停车 和 移动服务 is a self-supporting auxiliary enterprise. All monies collected through permit sales, 客人的费用, 和 citation fines fund the cost of the operation, 维护, 和 development of the University's parking facilities. 科罗拉多神学院, which owns 和 运营 the 正规赌博十大平台排行, has approved the use of user fees 和 fines to finance, 管理, maintain 和 develop the University's parking facilities.



正规赌博十大平台排行停车场 & 交通规则和条例是对所有州法律和市、县条例的补充. Under the authority of the Vice Chancellor for Business 和 Financial Affairs, the Department of 停车 和 移动服务 is charged with managing, 促进和规范在学校物业内有效和安全的车辆停放行为.

停车 is limited on various parts of campus, 因此,该部门被授权通过制定和执行停车规则和条例来管理需求, 收费及罚款, 和 otherwise regulating parking on campus.

  • 车辆经营人责任

    任何拥有, 运营, 和/或在大学财产上停放机动车辆完全遵守本文件中概述的所有规章制度. 教师, 工作人员, 学生有责任了解本网站概述的正规赌博十大平台排行机动车辆操作规定. 任何驾驶车辆违反大学停车政策的人将对任何此类违规行为负责.

    All parking 和 traffic rules 和 regulations are in effect 24 hours a day, 一周七天, including holidays 和 periods when school is not in session, or unless otherwise indicated by traffic control devices. 使用大学停车场设施的车辆的每个操作员在大学停车位停车时必须出示适当的许可证(如适用),或在按小时收费的停车场停车时支付必要的费用. 任何人在未支付适当费用或未事先取得并出示必要的停车许可证之前,不得合法使用任何大学的停车设施.

  • 责任

    正规赌博十大平台排行校园安全办公室努力确保大学停车场内车辆和人员的安全. However, 盗窃s have occurred from campus lots. 我们敦促DU社区的成员在离开他们的车辆之前移除所有贵重物品. 正规赌博十大平台排行不对火灾负责,也不承担任何责任, 盗窃, 车辆损坏或丢失, 或者里面剩下的任何物品. 在拥有的任何财产上授予车辆的任何停车或操作特权都不会产生保释, 租赁, or otherwise controlled by the 正规赌博十大平台排行.

  • 小区停车

    正规赌博十大平台排行希望成为居住在校园周边的居民的好邻居,并期望教师, 工作人员, 学生, 和 visitors to respect the rights of residents living near our campus. 大学与业主和丹佛市和丹佛县充分合作,在我们的校园区域执行交通和停车规定. 建议所有正规赌博十大平台排行的员工和学生使用大学停车许可计划或寻找替代交通方案(如.e., RTD, carpooling, bicycling, or walking) rather than parking in residential areas. 校园周边3个街区的周边区域被丹佛市指定为限制停车区. 停车 is restricted to residents 和 their guests, 和 one-hour visitors only.


  • 限制

    这些停车场由校园停车地图上的红色和字母标识标识,以及每个限制停车场入口处的标志标识. These lots are restricted by an automated gate controlled barrier. A programmed parking permit is required for access into the lot.

  • 一般停车场

    这些停车场在校园停车地图上以黄色和100系列编号标识. They are available for parking on a first-come, 只有那些出示有效的正规赌博十大平台排行停车许可证的人才可以先到先得. Permits are required 24 hours a day, 一周七天, including holidays 和 when school is not in session, or unless otherwise indicated by traffic control devices.

  • 游客 & 短期泊车

    这些停车场在校园停车地图上以绿色和300系列编号标识. They are intended for short term use by visitors to the campus. Long-term users are expected to obtain an appropriate parking permit for a fee. Several types of parking facilities are available in this category:

    • 计量停车. These facilities are controlled by a conventional parking meter. All users must pay to park in these spaces from 6:00 a.m. 至晚上十时.m., 7 days a week, unless otherwise indicated. The time allowed is limited to a maximum of 3 hours, excluding short-term meters. 每个计价器上都有一个标志,表明使用这种计价器所需的硬币的面额和数量. 停车 permits are not valid in these areas unless specifically indicated on the permit.
    • 中央缴费站. These facilities are controlled by a central pay station location. All users must pay to park in these spaces from 6:00 a.m. 至晚上十时.m., 7 days a week, unless otherwise indicated. 每个车站都包含指示,说明该站接受的付款方式. 停车 permits are not valid in these areas unless specifically indicated on the permit. NOTE: Pay stations do not give change. 请使用零钱. Please note instructions at the pay station.


  • 摩托车停车


  • 只供大学服务车辆使用

    这些区域严格指定给积极从事服务或维护大学财产的大学自备服务车辆使用. 这些机动车辆必须在车门上显示大学标志印章或从后视镜中显示有效的大学服务车辆许可证.

  • 装货区


    University vendors may park in loading zones in the course of their business. Vendor vehicles should have permanent vehicle markings identifying the vendor company. 无标志车辆的供应商必须从停车服务部门获得临时装载区停车许可证.







Learn how you can appeal any traffic or parking violation issued by the University.






Read rules 和 regulations around parking permits, which are necessary for all non-metered spaces on the DU grounds.



Find parking information for special events held on campus like conferences, 表演和体育项目.






Learn about potential parking 和 traffic violations 和 their corresponding penalties.




停车 & 移动服务