Food & Waste

食物不仅仅是一个可持续发展的问题,它还与我们这个时代一些最具挑战性的不公正交织在一起. 在美国生产的所有食品中,约有40%最终被填埋, 食物垃圾占城市固体垃圾的22%. 粮食生产和浪费也是全球温室气体排放的主要驱动因素. 

With initiatives that engage our student body, faculty and staff, as well as the larger community, 我们的目标是多余的废物,并教育我们的校园正规赌博十大平台排行回收和堆肥. We're also developing new ways of sourcing the food we serve on campus, 努力提供更健康的选择,其起源与我们对环境责任和社会正义的承诺相一致.

Tackling Food Insecurity

Food insecurity is a problem that affects communities around the world, as well as many members of our on-campus community. We believe that without equitable access to essentials like food, 个人和家庭总是要为保持独立和改善生活而奋斗. 

The DU Food Pantry works to alleviate food insecurity on campus, 为任何认为需要我们服务的人提供补充食品. Students are often referred to the DU Food Pantry as they seek additional support and resources on campus. The Food Pantry accepts donations from the community, and you can help your peers by organizing a food drive in your club, department, class, organization or team, or by bringing in any extra food individually.

DU Food Pantry


Swipe Out Hunger

Sodexo, our campus dining partner, 通过“刷出饥饿”计划接受学生的捐款, which helps provide food for those in need.

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Sustainable Food Initiatives

Bridge Community Garden

Managed by faculty in the Biology Department, the Bridge Community Garden provides raised beds that faculty, staff, and students can rent for the summer growing season for a small fee. 花园为那些家中可能没有这样空间的人提供了生长空间, 让我们的社区学习如何共同种植和照顾自己的食物.

ELC Garden

Managed by the Center for Sustainability, ELC花园为学生和其他希望为更本土的范例做出贡献的个人提供社区食物种植空间. Located next to the English Learning Center on Asbury and Josephine, ELC花园有8个凸起的花园床,我们在那里试验不同的草药和蔬菜,这可以作为在ELC学习的国际学生和经营花园的国内学生之间的文化交流.

two students in DU gear eating outside

Sustainable Food Policy

可持续食品政策(SFP)为正规赌博十大平台排行食品系统的各个方面制定了具体的可持续发展目标. The SFP aims to connect students, faculty, staff, 以及通过教育和运营实践来扩大DU社区,以此来提高校园食品的包容性, healthy, and sustainable, benefitting regional health, economy, and ecosystems.

“Food is often considered the ‘great connector.’ Food connects us to our cultures, the stories of our ancestors, and the recipes of our grandparents. 食物还将我们与种植食物的土地以及种植食物的人和企业联系在一起, transport, prepare, sell, or share it. Food is what brings us together as family, friends, and strangers.” – Denver Food Vision 2017

Learn More

Waste Reduction at DU

在任何情况下,废物往往是最明显的可持续性问题之一, 通常是最先让人们对可持续发展感兴趣的. DU has worked hard to reduce waste on campus, 要么从一开始就避免浪费,要么增加垃圾填埋的转移,要么回收利用,要么堆肥.


  • Altogether Recycling

    Nearly every building at DU is equipped with large, public recycling bins, 这使得在适当的垃圾箱中妥善处理垃圾变得容易. Additionally, 每个宿舍房间都有一个个人回收箱,学生可以用它来正确分类垃圾. 

    Our recycling process, known as "Altogether" or "single-stream" recycling, 使学生和其他社区成员更容易将尽可能多的废物转移到回收项目中. Glass, some plastics, aluminum, paper, cardboard, and other materials can be placed in the same recycling containers, eliminating the need for individual sorting. Just make sure your recyclables are as clean as possible.

    Not sure where or how to recycle something? Check out the City of Denver Recycling Directory 看看所有正确处理任何东西的方法——从塑料到灯泡再到油漆.

  • Composting

    我们通常送到垃圾填埋场的大部分垃圾都可以堆肥成可重复使用的土壤资源, reducing landfill waste and supporting other sustainable initiatives. Just as we provide recycling in most campus buildings, 我们一直在努力在校园的更多建筑中提供堆肥. All residence halls have two compost bins in their lobbies, 安德森学术公地在主楼层有几个堆肥箱, 你也会在其他几栋建筑里发现堆肥:在里基森法学院和丹尼尔斯商学院, in Craig and Rufatto Hall, and others. 

    我们把最后进入杜里大学堆肥箱的材料送到校外的工业堆肥中心, 所以这个过程对你来说很容易——只要遵循以下可堆肥物品的指导方针:

    • All food waste, including meat, bones and dairy
    • Coffee grinds and filters
    • Cardboard (including waxed)
    • Produce
    • Plants and flowers
    • Paper napkins and towels
    • Pizza boxes/paper board
    • Wooden stir sticks
    • Materials labeled "compostable" (NOT biodegradable)
    • Paper bags
    • Waxed paper
    • Green compostable trash bin liners

    Full Composting Guidelines

    Interested in having compost added to your building? Check out this guide on how to.

  • Paper Reduction

    Did you know that printing at DU used to be unlimited? While this sounds like a good thing for students, it led to literal tons of paper being wasted on campus. Several years ago, DU started giving students a printing credit to use instead, and saw dramatic decreases in how much paper was wasted every quarter. Help keep wasted paper down by being mindful about what you print!

  • Resident Dining Compost

    杜顿大学的所有宿舍食堂都将饭菜准备过程中的食物残渣堆肥, food leftover on people’s plates after they’re finished eating, as well as food that was prepared by not served. Additionally, Sodexo records how much food waste is left over after every meal, 这有助于他们下次上同样的菜时购买和准备适量的食物. 这意味着,随着时间的推移,我们正在显著减少我们在食堂浪费的食物. 当你去食堂时,只带你要吃的食物,以此来尽你的一份力量.

  • Waste Audits

    对我们来说,减少校园浪费的最好方法之一就是首先了解什么被扔掉了. 来自可持续发展中心的学生与各部门和建筑管理人员合作,完成废物审计,彻底检查被扔掉的东西,以及可以避免的废物流. Interested in hosting a waste audit in your office or building? 可持续发展中心将很乐意帮助你创建一个独特的团队建设活动,同时了解你的浪费. Email them at

  • Zero Waste Athletics

    Sports at DU are a huge contributor to waste production on campus, as they are some of the largest events we hold. However, 来自可持续发展中心的志愿者和员工几乎在每一场门票比赛——曲棍球比赛中工作, men’s basketball, gymnastics, men’s soccer, 还有男子曲棍球——在学年期间教育球迷,并将垃圾分类到适当的垃圾箱里. Now, those sports boast a diversion rate over 80%, with hockey reaching an average diversion of 87%, and soccer diverting over 90% of its waste.

Not sure how to sort your waste on campus?

Check out this handy guide
cta pattern

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